Of course, the bottom line becomes important when the need is measured against the want. If the smart phone (portable computer) is necessary as a personal tool, and the payoff is greater than the expense, then maybe it is a need. If the use is to update social media, follow twitter, and text and chat unnecessarily, then it is a want. For me, the decision was an easy one. I really don't "need" to be connected to everything in the universe! Yes, I have a cell phone but I do not use it except in cases where I truly have to communicate as a necessity. Call the police, tow truck, to let someone know why I am late, or other good reason. Cost? $10 a month. I have a laptop at home and connectivity for shopping, social requirements, email etc. And, I have a landline! What? In 2013 I still have a landline phone? Yes, and there is good reason for this choice. While the cost of cell phone use has gone up, landline costs have gone down. Dramatically.
This post does not cover company supplied phones and plans, but looks more at the personal use factors. There are too many people who look at 100 % connectivity as the only way to go. But, the cost is high, and getting higher. There is a link from moneyning.com to read more here. Sorry, but I have to hang up now...