If you have been in a drug store recently you have probably noticed that the section on vitamins, minerals, and supplements has grown almost exponentially. The demand by the public, coupled with the incredible profit to manufacturers, have fueled a baffling selection of pills and potions to cure all ills. Lose weight, take a pill, poor sex drive, take a pill, trouble sleeping, take a pill, need to be alert, take a pill. We have become a nation of consumers of the quick fix, and worst of all, these products are unregulated! That's right. There is no oversight or regulation to confirm the efficacy or value to these supplements. As we have seen before, even those drugs that are regulated by the FDA are recalled due to side effects like death.

In order to sell these supplements, the manufacturer can make "structure/function" claims, such as, supports weight loss, but cannot offer health claims. They must also clarify that the material is not "FDA approved to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent disease".
And yet, with these supplements with no reliable test data, no evidence of efficacy, and no regulation, we still spend 28 billion dollars each year. And what is even more surprising, is that we get all kinds of upset when the Chinese send us toys with lead, of have tuna with trace amounts of mercury.
If, based on blood test, a doctor prescribes a supplement, then it may make sense to purchase or use some vitamin or mineral product. Otherwise, we are probably pissing away a lot of money. Just a thought, and the trend will continue. Fool me once, shame on you.......