But recently, ceramic coated pots and pans have been appearing, and one company offering Orgreenic pans has been blitzing the TV and web with infomercials and annoying popups. They tout the many advantage of their products and as with all "As Seen on TV" ads have many strings attached. The usual buy one, get one free or at half price, a special knife of the same ceramic, all valued of at least $100 dollars. "Just pay the additional shipping" and wait for two weeks for some more crap from China.
Well, as I usually do, I looked at some reviews and scams regarding these products. And, there are a lot of comments to read before you should purchase these or any other "wonderful" products. Just a couple of concerns are the three most mentioned: The pan has to be seasoned, it is not dishwasher safe, and it chips easily. There is a review at examiner.com, which also has some annoying popups, but that is for another day, here. Another product, StoneDine, seems to fare better but still some problems. The trend? A lot more of these products with the need for a lot of research before purchase. Just a thought...