Discovered almost 100 years ago, MDMA is called an empathogenic drug as it induces euphoria and a feeling of intimacy in users. MDMA has been used in therapeutic settings but, since the late 1980’s, has been a popular club drug. And, there is always a reason for the media coverage of any particular drug. With the recent deaths of two college students and the sponsorship of celebrities, Molly is on the top of the “hit” parade. But, there is little evidence to suggest that drugs like heroin and cocaine have less lethality.
And, the “war on drugs” attempt at curbing drug use continues to focus on the supplier and so-called drug cartels. But, any consideration of economics would indicate that the better approach would be to limit demand. The trend? More demand means more home-grown suppliers cranking out products of unknown quality.
And, in good conscious, I have to include the most lethal of all of the drugs, alcohol. Yes it is legal but is the cause of more traffic accidents, shootings, domestic abuse, addiction, rape, and general mayhem. And, the alcohol lobby is so powerful that any real effort to curb this abuse is stopped in government indulgence and revenue. We all know that you cannot watch a football game without your favorite brew…