My first question was what kind of an insane world do we live in where we have to have a new phone every six months or even one year? It can only be in the world of marketing, considering that cell phone technology is really not changing that quickly. Unless you want another color, shape, or minor tweak. The other obvious reason would be either catastrophic failure or an unintentional problem like dropping or loss, which may be covered by warranty. Now, I will have to admit that I have had the same cell phone for 4 years and it is not even smart. I really have no need to access the internet from everywhere. It does not dance, sing, or whistle; it makes phone calls!
It seems to be acceptable to drive a 4 year old car, have a microwave oven that is even older, or a washer and dryer that may be in the double digits, but a 2 year old phone? Unacceptable!
To me it seems that with already high cell phone prices, restrictive contracts, and questionable service, it begs the question as to why we even consider these obscene offers. I guess that the answer may be in the simple status that a new phone offers. While the manufacturers have failed to establish standards for cell phones. the marketers will make up for the loss to competitors by making an annual upgrade a default position. The trend? Probably an upgrade every 2 weeks. It reminds me that many people have bought a high definition 60 inch TV and now watch TV and streaming video on a 5 square inch screen. Curious at best...