The holidays are always an interesting time to think about different kinds of craft ideas and I must admit that I sometimes just get too busy with other projects to make the time to construct something unusual. But, this year I wanted to try a new approach to the traditional Christmas tree concept.
The idea for hot glue Christmas trees stems from my original method of making color hot glue sticks (YouTube video here) and the fact that hot glue does not form an adhesive with parchment paper; this is due to the fact that the parchment paper is coated with silicone and can withstand temperatures of around 400 degrees Fahrenheit. So, it seemed like a good candidate for some experiments using a parchment paper cone as a template.
The best way to light the resulting trees was to use LED’s (light emitting diodes) of different colors and effects. They are easy to obtain and by far the easiest is to find dollar store items that use LED's and simply use them. But, there are many sources on the web and I have bought many of mine from the Electronics Goldmine here. This is not an endorsement; just another surplus electronic site that has been a good source for my needs. So enjoy the video and add comments and questions about the project.