These electronic bug killers have been around for some time in various configurations. They first appeared as a smaller paddle and several were made in this country. Now, they are bigger and cheaper, and made in China. And, with the lower cost comes some cautionary suggestions. Despite the fact that it is fun to electrocute nasty flies and other pests, these bug zappers are not toys. They can be dangerous and particularly for children and anyone with a heart condition. These devices are high voltage, low amperage circuits that are poorly made and can provide unexpected and unpleasant shocks. Trust me on this fact! I have taken several of these apart and the circuits vary, but the soldering is very shoddy. If you want more information search for "voltage doublers" or "electronic bug zapper circuits". I have posted photos of some of the high voltage boards and one of the flash tube camera flash. But as a final note, please exercise caution and also avoid destroying the pollinators like bees and other beneficial flying critters. We have already lost too many. And now, on to the video: