If any group really wanted to scare us they should be talking about the debt ceiling that is looming large, and will shut down the government. But there is no value in that, as it is both parties that will not compromise and get the peoples work done. When the politician's careers are more important than the people needs, we should clean house. It's them who should be afraid. And it is not even an election year. Look for much worse to come!
Fear has played a part in politics for a long time, and it is going to get much worse. One party or the other, or sometimes both, want to scare us into voting one way; their way! So, they say, "beware the terrorists, the war, the economy, your health", or whatever serves the needs of the candidates. It is sometimes a lobbyist group, as in the case of a currently running advertisement by the AARP, (American Association for Retired Persons): "Congress is going to meet next month and they may cut your Social Security or Medicare". As if! Congress has difficulty doing much of anything and touching the third rail of politics can be deadly to a career. What they should be saying is that at some point we will have to seriously re-evaluate our entitlement programs, and that cuts may be necessary. But that requires leadership and we are short of that quality in Congress.
If any group really wanted to scare us they should be talking about the debt ceiling that is looming large, and will shut down the government. But there is no value in that, as it is both parties that will not compromise and get the peoples work done. When the politician's careers are more important than the people needs, we should clean house. It's them who should be afraid. And it is not even an election year. Look for much worse to come!
June 2021