Yes, in a free-market economy, some or all of the above can be factors in the rise and fall of prices. I have had courses in macro and micro economics and can see that supply and demand is an important part of all pricing, including gasoline. But, I also see that we as consumers are gluttons for petroleum. Weather it is more plastic crap or fuel, we squander our resources. We can either continue to bitch about it, or, change our habits.
Americans, by and large, like to have one car with one driver and want to go wherever we want, when we want. We do not car-pool nearly enough, or strategically plan our shopping trips to minimize trip length. We warm our cars up for too long, use air conditioning at the first sign of warmth, and drive short distances rather than walk or wait for what we want. And, we continue to buy cars and small trucks that get less than 20 miles a gallon.If you are one of the drivers that do all of the right things, congratulations! You are in the minority however.
So for now, we will listen to the fear-mongers telling us that gas will be x dollars by whenever. But we really have the drivers seat if we just stop using so much gasoline. Just s thought...