So, after consulting several sources on the web as to what size hole to drill, I compromised to accommodate several types of nesting birds. The inside was cleaned and the proud day came to hang it up outside and watch as the new residents moved in. The entire summer went by without any birds even looking at the new digs. And the same result went on for the last several years. Until today! That gourd has hung in the same place for years through snow, rain, heat, and brutal cold. But today, much to my surprise, I saw a house sparrow sitting on the gourd. And then, she went inside! I thought that she/he was just looking but it returned several times. Was I finally going to become a landlord? Over the next two hours the sparrow returned and had nesting material in its beak. It looks like I have a tenant after all of this time. Apparently, this bird was looking for a fixer-upper! And yes, I know that it is a simple common sparrow, but it was great to see my effort finally pay off.
Today was one of the first really warm days as New Hampshire is at least two weeks behind in what we euphemistically call spring. I wanted to take a photo of this new friend, but suspected that the paparazzi would scare her off. But, I will try to after the family has settled in. Be it ever so humble…