These opalescent glass eggs seem to be showing up all over the web and for some reason they are selling really well. I realized that I already had one that I picked up at a yard sale some time ago but had no idea what to do with it. Well, it seems that according to the web sites that are selling them, they are magic! Here is a typical description:
"These opalescent glass eggs are very popular and known as magic eggs..Made in China via a special process. Unpolished eggs look just like ordinary glass when they are dry.
Magic eggs, when wet or polished reflect light in a wondrous or mysterious way and resemble opal. Some people believe they can absorb negative energy and make living environments more positive. 45x30 mm.
What makes them Magic? These Opalescent glass eggs from China reflect light in wondrous ways. Notice how the colors and translucence change with different light sources. The eggs are particularly alluring in water- in a fountain the eggs reflect the surroundings and shimmer as water trickles over them.
People of all ages are intrigued by the mysterious Magic Eggs which change color from opal to blue when held in the palm of the hand." Well, after reading this glowing advertisement, I had to test the eggs. The photo above is simply a white light from below. No magic there. The eggs, when wet, looked like wet glass eggs. No magic there either. My best guess is that they are cast glass with silica particles scattered about inside to refract the light. No Feng Shui or negative energy absorbers. But, I thought that I might be able to give the egg some visual interest with a rainbow fading, changing color light emitting diode. (LED). Check out the video: Notice that at some color frequencies and saturation the egg looks blurred, but when reflecting internally, the image is clear.