I read quite a few forums and smaller web sites posts and I recently saw a good example of the less obvious troll entry. A woman on a craft site was showing how she presented autumn leaves in a scrap- booking tutorial. The first few comments discussed the information in the project , but then there was the following post: "This is really not an original idea and I have been doing this for a long time. What we need is new thoughts and not information that is already available". This was totally off-topic but the next ten posts had to do with the originality of the tutorial and not the content. The blog author had to defend herself and never claimed the idea to be original. The troll had redirected the posts and was probably satisfied with the result. He or she wanted an emotional response and received it.
Those of us who write original material are always open to constructive criticism and differing opinions. And we welcome it, as we can learn from the feed back. But, be a aware that all comments can be a troll in disguise. Most trolls say that it is for amusement and fun, but if they are searching for sites to disrupt, their lives must be somewhat sad. They should start a website and let us comment....