But, it is the rest of the store that causes me strife to no end. The cereal Aisle is a great source of confusion. It has 60 feet of shelf space with multiple manufactures, including the store brand. There is reduced fat, low fat, healthy grain, low sugar and all sugar, (the kids cereal), and multiple sizes. If I took the time to compare unit prices, I would be there all day. And even coffee! At the last count I had the choice of regular, lite, French roast, medium, regular, or dark roast. And there are 10 different brands! There are even gourmet coffees! I just want coffee and not have to subject my palate to that many examples of commerce.
Pasta has always been an easy choice in the past but not now. There is whole grain, regular semolina, and every shape under the sun. Noodles are broad, thin, gluten free, and come in all sizes. And cheese! There are some kinds that I can't even pronounce!
And for people like me who like to get in and get out, they put easy choices on the end caps at the ends of the aisle. Notoriously, they are generally poor choices in value and are designed to be for impulse buyers who don't look at the real price. And, the amount of precooked and processed food outnumbers the ingredients to make home made food. Can you say obesity?
It used to take me 10 minutes to make a shopping list and now I have to think about each item. I do like the idea of choice, but I really don't want to have to pack a lunch just to go shopping. Just a thought...