Adam Savage, from the TV show MythBusters says it best: "There's a phrase I came up with early on in doing the show: "Failure is always an option." I had that printed on our crew hats and crew shirts and I realized, in fact, it is a deeply scientific phrase because people think of an experiment as something set out to prove something. And it's not. It's something set out to test something. So whether you're right or wrong about your preconceptions, the experiment that yields data is still a successful experiment. That's what we mean by "Failure is always an option."
As the webmaster for this site I am constantly trying to present interesting and useful ideas and commentary and sometimes I succeed, and sometimes not so much. Particularly for the Science/Experiments page, I am working on several ideas at the same time. In the past three weeks I have had a lot of ideas that did not work. I believe that frustration is proportional to the time spent on a project, and I do get frustrated. But, when I weigh what I have learned during those "failures" against what has succeeded, I feel that frustration goes away, but that the information builds on future projects. So here is a tip of the inventors hat to failure....