There is certainly some truth in the fact that the economic slowdown has caused some plans for manufacturing start-up and expansion to be sidetracked, and investors are reluctant to pony up money in a time of uncertainty. But the biggest problem is the fact that we have no national strategy for a manufacturing base to continue. Part of the strategy has to be to repair the trade imbalance that currently exists. We have to make the products that other nations want and need. We need to rethink education and consider that there is a great value in the trades and that everyone neither wants or really has to have a 4 year degree. We must stop China and other countries from stealing our intellectual property and then selling it back to us! And, we must rebuild an infrastructure that can support a resurgence in the economy.
We continue to be the most technically innovative country on the face of the planet, but without government support with regulation control, trade imbalances, and private sector activity, we will fulfill our own prophesy.
I have a somewhat bizarre thought about the American consumer that I suspect may seem unlikely. I believe that we are ready to really support and buy American if it existed. And I am thinking about appliances, and consumer goods that we used to buy. But, before you say we have been down this road before, let me explain why. There was a time when toasters, TV's, and other home goods could be repaired and would last almost forever. This supported many repair facilities and parts suppliers. Now, all of the crap that we buy is disposable and designed to be replaced by more crap.
I would be willing to pay 20 or 30% more for a microwave oven if it could be repaired and, at the same time, supported American jobs. I tired of sending all this junk made by kids in another country to the landfill!