This post is simply an observation about the changes in this popular video sharing site and some thoughts about viable alternatives.
It is first and foremost a site that has popular appeal and it seems geared to a younger and more fluid viewer. The videos uploaded cover the gamut from serious to silly. And, some are just a waste of time. At one time, I went to YouTube to learn about something that I had an interest in pursuing. But, finding useful and helpful videos has become an exercise in futility. Many are not only poorly made but in addition, simply deceptive. For viewers with some degree of naivete to follow directions only to find that it is a scam, seems ethically wrong. And while some videos are parodies, most are trying to fool the gullible. And, when coupled with the often inappropriate content for younger viewers, I have to send a thumbs down vote.
And then, there are the comments about the videos. Many are crude, racist, homophobic, non-PC, and reflect on the video producer and not the content. With the advent of so many methods of uploading content, I fail to see how the site can maintain it basic mission.
However, if you want to find alternatives, it is easy to do. There are over 200 and they can be found by searching "video sharing sites" . There is a site with 12 alternatives here. Trolls need not comment...