And there is also a sinister side of these subscription services. Data mining! You can bet that each service is compiling what we watch, how long we watch, and using that information to continue to entice you to want more and probably selling the results. And, when all is said and done, is the time using video streams really productive? Is the complete use of all of your information and privacy worth giving away? (Actually we are paying to lose our privacy).
This is all connected to the applications on our phones. We download and seldom if ever use even a few of the sites that seemed useful at the time we added them. Time to purge and clean the trash that has little or no value.
Several years ago I posted two observations about wants and needs. Well, I no longer need or want useless video streams that are expensive and time consuming. I guess I'll watch TV and cable and let it go at that. I can always hear about the latest video stream from somebody with deep pockets!