But consider how we settle conflict in modern history. We use violence, war, and kill others in an attempt to resolve differences. And even more prevalent is class distinction. We have evidence that early humans had the equivalent of the “haves” and the “have- nots”. The stronger had the food and the weak died hungry. Darwin would have suggested that this is simply natural selection at work.
But all civilizations’ throughout history have had class distinction. The Sumerian’s, the Greek’s, and the Roman's have had the wealthy and elite, and the poor and hungry. There has always been an undervalued group of people in all societies. Consider for a moment our own founding some 240 years ago. The founding fathers were wealthy, elite, better educated, and did not value women, minorities, and others who were not in the same class. If I look at society today I see the same disparity in wealth, education, and origin.
It seems reasonable that if we were truly “highly evolved” that we would have greater social concern, limited violence, and government that had the peoples welfare first, and their own second. I would submit that we have the same primitive mind as our early ancestors but simply better tools to subjugate and kill others.