There are several parts of this decision that fail to make sense when we consider what was argued. A substantial component in the case was that the issue was concerned with a private vs. public performance of material. But, what Aereo was providing is already free over-the-air content with a recording and sending to the cloud provision. The service provided consumers with an option to receive free signals in a cleaner and more functional format for a low monthly fee. The Justices maintained that Aereo was exploiting loopholes in the copy write laws. So what? Lawyers have been exploiting loopholes in the tax code and every other law ever written!
There are some considerations to think about with this decision. The copy write laws have not been revised since 1976. We were just entering the digital age and the laws are archaic to say the least. But Congress is too busy with senseless hearings, raising funds, and campaigning for re-election, and failing to address important issues. And, big business wins again! The cable company will continue to charge exorbitant prices for bundles that many people do not want, fail to offer any a la carte choices, and stifle competition. There was a great deal of concern from the networks that a decision for Aereo would upend the status quo. Well, not to worry as it is business as usual…