But for years there has been a serious disagreement about which is better, brown or white. Well, according to the Egg Nutrition Council, there is no difference at all. If the eggs are produced commercially, they are all fed a fairly simple and bland diet to maintain profit margins. The brown or white pigment depends on the breed of chicken. It is that simple! But, if the eggs are produced locally and fed a varied diet rich in omega3, they may taste better, whether or not they are white or brown.
For years the white egg prevailed but consumers found that brown eggs produced locally tasted better. So, commercial growers got on the band wagon and started selling brown eggs at a premium price. And so the argument began. The brown eggs are generally produced by larger hens and do cost a little more to feed. So, all eggs may be created equal, but we all make choices. It seems to this observer that being color blind may be helpful...Unless of course it involves traffic lights.