This time of the year seems to contain many mixed symbols from both the secular and religious arenas. Perhaps it is somewhat of a metaphor that reflects the great diversity of beliefs and the ways that we celebrate the holiday. Even the Druids and Pagans can celebrate December 21, as the shortest day of the year.
Perhaps that is why I have posted my holiday greeting video with snowmen with fading color LED's and my own rendition of Silent Night. I initially recorded a guitar version on a 30 year old Yamaha FG-250, with a base guitar (Washburn) accompaniment on a 4 track Tascam tape recorder. Yes, old-school analog that I then transferred to the free open-source program Audicity. But, rather than using the tools to fix any mistakes, I just converted it to an mp3 for integration with the snowmen video that I had made. I did mostly finger picking in the dropped D tuning.
As a point of interest, Silent Night was written in 1818 in Austria for guitar as the church organ was apparently broken. See the Wikipedia entry here. But even with the music I would be unable to follow it as I do not read music. So, the video is my offering, with mistakes, for you in the spirit of the holiday. Happy Holidays! Ken...